Staff Development
It’s not just the children who are learning at Oasis Academy Putney!
Every member of staff is part of our appraisal system. We all have a Performance Manager and meet with them to agree targets to work towards. We have meetings to discuss our progress towards our targets and we are supported through learning walks during the year and the targets are reviewed at the end.
We generally meet 2 times a week: Monday morning at our Morning Briefing to go through the main events happening in the following week and Child Watch where we identify children we are concerned about.
Wednesday afternoon’s meeting is generally linked to our whole school priorities.
We work closely with other teaching and health professionals and organisations to develop our knowledge and skills in teaching and serving our children and families. We have invested in our Education Psychologist, Speech and Language and CAMHs allocation to serve our children's needs but also to provide support and training to staff in these areas.
We work with NLPs within Oasis to enhance our curriculum offer as well as attend courses and network meeting within the Borough.
Each year we all refresh our Safeguarding Training and also have to pass an online safeguarding test. We also have annual Prevent and FGM Training.
All Oasis staff in the London and South-East region meet annually for a day of seminars and workshops together.
We work closely with staff in all Oasis Primary academies in the London and South East region to develop RINs for specific groups of staff - where key information will be shared and moderation takes place.
We also work very closely with schools in our local area. At times throughout the year, we meet to moderate and share other CPD opportunities.
Many of our teaching staff have either achieved or are working towards one of the NPQ’s or have completed a Master’s Degree.