Oasis Academy Putney is rated Good with several Outstanding features by Ofsted.
When Ofsted inspected the Academy they found:
Effectiveness of leadership and management to be Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment to be Good
Personal development, behaviour and welfare to be Outstanding
Outcomes for pupils to be Good
Early Years Provisions to be Outstanding
Children get off to a flying start in early years. This is because provision is very well led and managed. As a result, children make excellent progress from their different starting points. Ofsted, 2019
A full copy of Ofsted's Inspection Report can be viewed and downloaded here.
The report is also available on the Ofsted website here.
Parent View
If you would like to participate on Parent View, please do so by clicking here. This is a forum regulated and monitored by Ofsted for parents to leave their opinions and feedback on the performance of the school their child attends. We invite you to leave feedback on Oasis Academy Putney and look forward to developing the school further to best suit the needs of our children and community.