
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Parent Partnership

Our Partnership with You

We recognise that the education of your child is a shared venture - shared between you, the parents and carers, and us, the staff of the Academy. We each have our part to play and we welcome your support and involvement. Communication is vitally important, so we ensure that there are many opportunities for dialogue with parents and carers.

This section provides important information on the essential role that parents and carers play in the life of our academy and outlines the opportunities for further involvement.

Parental/carer consultations: Each October there are discussions with the class teacher regarding your child’s progress, how well they have settled and to share the targets set for the school year. In February targets are reviewed. In July a written report is sent home and an opportunity to discuss the report is provided. At all the consultations pupils are given the opportunity to share their work with their family. In July we also have an informal meeting where parents/carers can meet the teacher their child will have the next academic year.  If parents/carers have particular enquiries, they are encouraged to talk to the Class Teacher, Phase Leader, Deputy Principal or Principal.

Homework: Children’s education is, of course, not restricted to the Academy. Children are given homework which suits their age and ability. There is an opportunity each week for the pupil and parents/carers to comment on how their child managed their homework. Every year group gives homework out on a Friday and it is due in on a Wednesday. We expect children to develop their responsibility for homework so that they are used to organising themselves in preparation for the move into secondary school.

Assemblies: Throughout the year parents/carers are invited to class assemblies. The biggest event is our annual carol concert at St Luke’s church in December. Father Sam visits our academy to carry out 'Open Book Assemblies'.

Educational trips out of the Academy: Many trips outside the Academy are arranged each year and parents/carers may be asked to contribute to the cost. We arrange an annual residential trip for Year 4 and Year 6. Volunteers are always welcomed.

Parents/carers in the Academy: Parents/carers can help the Academy in a multitude of ways: sharing books with children and helping on Academy trips etc. If you have a talent and some time to share it please let us know.

Newsletters and questionnaires: There is a weekly update newsletter from the Principal as well as half termly newsletters from the teachers telling you of the exciting work the children will be learning over the next term. We actively seek parents and carers to complete the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire to give us feedback about the academy.

Home/School Agreement: All parents/carers and children sign a Home/School Agreement. This asks parents/carers to commit to a set of principles which underpin the ethos of the school.

Helpful Parent Guides