How can we help your child to be ready for school?
The most useful thing for your child is for you to help them to be independent before they start school. This includes doing their own shoes and coat, being able to take off his/her own jumper, toileting, getting a drink when needed, choosing their dinner and using cutlery. There is a checklist below but don't worry if your child can't do all of those things by the end of the Summer as it is a guide. There is also a chart for the children about being independent.
Further things you could do to help your child get ready for school:
Fine motor skills - in preparation for writing, children need to develop their fine motor skills. Activities such as threading pasta or beads, playdough, mark making and finger rhymes all help with this. You can even make your own playdough. These will all lead to writing.
Visit Teach Hand Writing's website for guidance on how to hold a pencil correctly:
The BBC Bitesize has some information and help about starting school. There's also an interactive game about starting school on their website: