
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

All Oasis Academies are caring communities which aim to promote mutual respect and understanding and an effective education for all our students. Oasis Community Learning believes that all children and young people should be equally valued and therefore we will do all that we can to promote equality of opportunity and outcomes, and to help develop a learning environment where all children and young people can flourish and feel safe.

All young people should have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, with teaching and learning strategies that maximise achievement and prevent failure. At Oasis Academy Putney we will achieve this by providing access to a wide range of learning challenges.

At Oasis Academy Putney, where a child has an edcuational and healthcare plan or requires additional support to enable them to access the curriculum, we will aim to provide this through a constructive dialogue with parents / carers and social work and healthcare professionals to ensure that the child’s best interests are served.

The school will meet the needs of children with these needs:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory and physical

We are an academy, which means that generally the local authority does not oversee the running of the school. However, the local authority is still responsible for making sure that children with SEND receive appropriate support. For children with a very high level of need, the local authority may provide extra funding through an Education and Health Care Plan.

SEND Information

SEN Policy

Equality Policy

SEND Report

Accessibility PlanFamily Information Service- SEND Local Offer

SENDCo Newsletter

Who is the best person at the Academy to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need?

Our SENCo is Elisabetta Mariani.
You can contact her either via the Academy address or by telephone or email at

Elisabetta is available to talk to about any issues you may have regarding to the care and education of your child, including whether they may have a special education need, whether their needs are being met or anything in their learning plans.