Our year 1 pupils have been busy traversing the galaxies through their space theme. Last week they visited ‘Planet Litter’ and after discussing the problems of plastic pollution on the Common they carried out a litter pick on the school grounds and local area, sorting the litter into recyclable and general waste.
We love to support our school Eco Targets during our Outdoor Learning lessons. This week, Year 1 travelled to ‘Planet Love’ where they planted a heart on the playground at their favourite spot and then created their own valentines smelly alien potions (beware – apparently these range from making you extra strong to making butterflies appear everywhere you go!).
Year 2 pupils also enjoyed a few heart-themed activities using upcycled and natural materials. They loved having a go at Hapa-zome (the Japanese art of leaf bashing to dye fabric) and creating their own heart wraps to say thank you to someone special.
Reception pupils embraced the wet weather and had the best time ever as they visited ‘Planet Puddle’ and decided that in actual fact sticks weren’t the best way to measure how deep the puddles were - all you needed to do was to jump right in them!!